
Using images as our 'text'

One of the main ideas I took from the PLD with Cynthia Greenleaf last term was the idea of using images as the text to be read.

I sourced images on-line to use as the conversation starter with my students. The images are from the NY times section - What happening in this picture. Here is the link. The pictures are drawn from the newspaper and have the captions removed, there is a moderated forum for students to comment and have an on-line discussion about the images. The pictures are selected to provoke conversation.

My students enjoyed the difference in having a picture to look at instead of discussing a written text but they thought it was harder to do. I think this may change as they have more opportunities to discuss visual texts. I was pleased with the depth of the conversation, especially when talking about what might have happened before and after the image was taken. They were able to come up with complex themes and build on each other's statements. I'm looking forward to seeing how this progresses over the next few weeks.

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